+7 (987) 225-55-56
+7 (843) 297-07-30

Courses of Russian as a Foreign Language

Уровень: A,B.C
Количество часов: 50 и 60 ак. ч.
Периодичность: 2 р./нед.
Продолжительность: 3,5 - 4 мес.
Количество студентов: 6-8 (мини-группа)

Linguistic centre HIJAZZ provides courses of Russian as a foreign language for foreignersor citizens of the Russian Federation, for whom the Russian language is not native.

It may seem that it is not difficult to find a teacher of Russian language in a Russian speaking country, but there are some peculiarities in the study of a language as a native and foreign language. The unique technique of our linguistic centre allows you to start talking from the first lesson, even if you have not studied Russian language before. Our teachers are highly qualified, so the courses of Russian as a foreign language are very effective.
Курсы русского языка в Казани

Our training program is a daily Russian language (Social Russian). We have developed the course to meet the needs of client knowledge that is an individual course directed to the desired subject, the right skills and the right time.

Courses of Russian as a foreign language are conducted both corporately and individually. Corporate lessons involve a collective learning process of employees, companies and organizations in a convenient place for them and at a convenient time. Private lessons are held on the territory of our linguistic centre and in the client’s workplace.

The advantages of Russian language courses as a foreign language in the linguistic centre HIJAZZ:

  • The teacher speaks the native language of the client at a good level (this can be English, German, Spanish, Italian, French, Turkish even Chinese …)
  • Our teachers are highly qualified to teach Russian as a Foreign Language
  • The client can individually identify the theme of specialization; the teacher launches an individual educational plan (perhaps the client needs Russian language with an emphasis in management, marketing, finance, personnel management, accounting, etc.)

Our goal is to provide the highest quality of services in the field of teaching Russian as a foreign language for all those who come from abroad to work in Russia. We have no doubt that you will enjoy:

  • Individual approach to each client.
  • The qualification of our teachers.
  • Learning process quality control.
  • A flexible schedule of classes.

The aim of education is to develop conversational skills of Russian language. As a result, our students receive:

  • Competent speech
  • Mastery of stylistic nuances of the language
  • Copious vocabulary
  • Listening comprehension

Levels of learning Russian as a Foreign Language

I. Rus 1
Course duration – 50 hours.

Essential frequently used vocabulary, reading rules, pronunciation are studied during this course. Students learn basic grammatical structures that will be needed to express their thoughts in a simple language. After graduating from these courses the student gets a basic knowledge of Russian language, speaking skills, he can be confident in the language environment.
II. Rus 2
Course duration – 60 hours.

This course is intended to widen vocabulary. During it the student learns and activates vocabulary, which occurs in different situations. This level is also the mastery of grammar and lexical base, the students acquire skills to express their thoughts more freely both orally and in written.
III. Rus 3
Duration – 60  hours.

The last level develops fluent speech skills, students learn special vocabulary, learn grammar. After passing this course students can read fiction, journalism and feel comfortable in the language environment.

30 000 руб.
Итого: 0 руб.

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Наши преподаватели:
Гульнар Сафарметова
Гульнар Сафарметова
Персидский, Русский, Татарский, Турецкий
Наши клиенты
Министерство образования и науки Республики Татарстан
Духовное управление мусульман РТ
ПАО «Татнефть»
ООО «СафПласт»
ООО «Теклас»
ООО «Мирикко»
Издательский дом «Хузур»
ООО КамЭнергоРемонт-Холдинг
ЕБРР (Европейский Банк Реконструкции и Развития)
Кувейтско-Татарстанская инвестиционная компания
Казанский международный аэропорт
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